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High pressure mist disinfection

Mist disinfection limits the risk of contamination

Recent episodes of avian influenza have highlighted the need to improve biosecurity in the livestock sector.
Misting makes it possible to disinfect interior and exterior spaces as well as vehicles when they leave farms (see our IDA system), thereby reducing pathogens by limiting the factors causing the spread of disease.

Clean and disinfect with misting

Misting remains an easy process to implement to optimally disinfect the different surfaces (and nooks) of a packaging, storage, pharmaceutical, agro-food or breeding room.

The process

The disinfection operation is carried out without human intervention, involving all parts of the room (materials, furniture, walls, floor, ceiling, ...), without exception.

For many years, breeders have been aware of the risks of disease to which their livestock are exposed in breeding. Certain industrial sectors also face the risk of contamination. Contaminated air and problems with temperature control pose a real threat.

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